Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I've been thinking about things in my life that I have been wanting to work on but that I kept coming up with excuses to avoid. Well no more. It's time to step up, face facts, and do the work to accomplish these things. Today I sat down and set up some goals that I would like to reach. Some have specific time periods. Others are simply things I'd like to be consistently working on. I figured to keep myself a little more accountable I would post them here.

1) Spending time in scripture and prayer each day. This is something I have always struggled with and know I need to make a part of my daily life.

2) Exercise/Lose weight. Again, something I've always seemed to struggle with and it's hard for me (embarrassing really) to admit here how desperately I need to work on this. That being said, it's time to take hold of this issue and conquer it. This one might be the most difficult one for me but I know I will be so proud of myself and I'm sure happier and definitely healthier once I reach it.

3) Going along with the previous goal, I want to start eating healthier. No more snacking (or choosing to snack on healthy things like fruit... :) and cutting down on pop and other sinful delights I often allow myself to have. I'm not helping myself or my body by filling it with these things.

4) Find something in the community to be involved in. I would really love to find a choir to be part of or a volunteer-type ministry. I'd really like to reach out to those around me, get to know some different people, and serve Christ. This one may take some time to get started since I don't have a set work schedule yet but I'm excited to start looking into it.

So there it is. That's what I've come up with so far. I would love your support and prayer as I try to reach these goals! :)

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