Some things are so difficult to live with. The hurting that is felt for a friend is one of the worst I think. Desperately wishing you could help them somehow. Wanting so badly to save them...sometimes from themselves.
It's not our job though is it? We get so caught up sometimes in what we can do. How we can fix a situation when in reality it all has very little to do with us, if anything at all. There is only One who can truly save and He is mightier than all of us put together. It can be hard to let those we love go. To give them over to a power that we can't see or touch right in front of us...we simply know He is there. We simply trust that He will move and speak at the most perfect moment, in the most perfect way. I am deeply comforted by that fact tonight.
"I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD's praise because he has been good to me." -Psalm 13:5-6
I have no doubt that He will continue to pour our His unfailing love...despite our struggles, despite our wanderings, despite our sinfulness. He has been and will be so, so good.
So tonight, I give you this hurt Lord, this worry, and anxiousness. Take it from me and replace it with Your peace. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. I love you.